Investing in brazil and obtaining permanent residency

 You have two ways of applied for an investor visa in Brazil.

  1. You can buy a house in the amount of 1 million reais (or 700,000 depending on the area) and obtain your permanent residency with the Ministry of Labor;
  2. Open a Brazilian company as a foreigner and prepare it to receive foreign direct investment , originating from individuals or legal entities that are not resident in Brazil. What characterizes a direct investment is its long-term intention and acquisition outside the organized over-the-counter and stock exchange markets. We are a family owned and operated business;
These investments must be registered with the Central Bank, through the  Electronic Declaratory Registration System, in the Foreign Direct Investment module (RDE-IED). Registration is mandatory and must be done before the entry of any resource in Brazil.
We can Perform the registration of the RDE-IED
The registration of foreign direct investments is carried out directly in the Foreign Direct Investment Registration System (RDE-IED).
Negotiate foreign exchange contract
Negotiate a foreign exchange contract with an institution authorized to operate and link the foreign exchange contract with the registration number RDE-IED. After carrying out the exchange operation, the RDE-IED system is automatically updated within D + 1.
Update the corporate structure
  1. update the corporate structure in the RDE-IED system with the amounts invested, within 30 days after the exchange operation;
  2. update the corporate structure annually, until March 31, referring to the corporate structure in effect on December 31 of the previous year;
  3. periodically update the corporate structure, following a specific calendar, for companies with a net worth of 250 million reais or more.
